The Future of Fintech in Africa
Monday, September 11, 2023
4:45 PM - 5:15 PM
Location Name
Trademark Hotel: Ballroom
Chad Larson, Kopo Kopo, acq. by Moniepoint
Tayo Oviosu, Paga
Bame Pule, Africa Lighthouse Capital
Tjaart van der Walt, TYME
Tayo Oviosu, Paga
Bame Pule, Africa Lighthouse Capital
Tjaart van der Walt, TYME
Payments and remittances services made up the first wave of fintech in Africa, but increasingly lending, insurance, and investments platforms are taking the lead. This panel looks at the maturation of the continent’s fintech space, and how it is moving beyond simple money transfer issues to enable Africans to become truly financially-included.