Full Name
Pule Taukobong
Job Title
Founding Partner
CRE Venture Capital
Professional Bio
Pule is the Chairman and Founder of Africa Angels Network (AAN), a startup investment firm that encourages, invests in, and supports entrepreneurs in Africa, primarily in the Technology, Media, Telecoms (TMT) and fashion sectors. AAN matches its entrepreneurs with highly qualified mentors specifically related to their industries. Pule tracks the group's deal flow and performs industry and financial due diligence on both incoming business plans and targeted companies. He also mentors entrepreneurs in AAN's portfolio and sits on several startup advisory boards. Pule believes that Africa has highly educated and talented youth who have a strong passion for entrepreneurship. But their potential will go unrealized without the active engagement of Angel investors. Angel investors bring necessary capital, but more importantly lend entrepreneurs their expertise and network so often missing. Setting up a thriving business is wrought with challenges, yet entrepreneurs with the right support have improved chances of success. By 2020, AAN aims to have created 1,000 jobs through its portfolio companies and has a 5x return target. It also aims to have at least one third of its businesses be led by women.
Pule graduated from the Durban University of Technology in South Africa. He holds a National Diploma with dual majors in development software and information systems. Pule is also a certified stockbroker, wealth manager and institutional client manager. Pule is also a DJ and a big rugby fan!
Pule Taukobong