Half Day Kiambethu Tea Farm
Wednesday, September 13, 2023
10:30 AM - 3:00 PM

On departure from the hotel, drive out into the misty Limuru country to the Kiambethu Tea Farm, one of the first farms to farms in Kenya to grow and sell tea commercially, the plantation has been home to 5 generations of settlers. Welcomed by the current owner with a cup of tea or coffee, she explains the history of the farm and the process of making tea, after which you will have an opportunity to see tea plants in the field. Take a walk in the indigenous forest with a resident Kenyan guide on hand to identify the plants and explain their traditional usage. Enjoy a pre-lunch drink on the verandah with sweeping views across the tea fields to the Ngong Hills. Lunch is served featuring vegetables from the garden and desserts are topped with cream from their herd of Channel Island cows.